
Descubre el poder de la IA Generativa y cómo puede abrirte las puertas a un mundo de oportunidades ilimitadas. Este Bootcamp Completo de Prompt Engineering te brindará las habilidades esenciales para innovar, crear y transformar en la era digital. Aprenderás a dominar herramientas como ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney, Langchain, Flowise y muchas más, fundamentales en el panorama tecnológico actual.

Beneficios Clave del Curso:

  1. Dominio de la Tecnología de Vanguardia: Sumérgete en el mundo de la IA Generativa y aprende a utilizar herramientas líderes en el sector.

  2. Desarrollo de Habilidades Prácticas: A través de ejercicios prácticos y estudios de caso, adquirirás habilidades aplicables inmediatamente en entornos profesionales y creativos.

  3. Preparación para el Futuro: Mantente a la vanguardia en tu carrera profesional al dominar una de las tecnologías más disruptivas y demandadas del siglo XXI

¿Qué Aprenderás en Este Curso?

  • Fundamentos de la IA Generativa: Sumérgete en el apasionante universo de ChatGPT, DALL-E y Midjourney. Descubre cómo estas tecnologías están transformando el panorama digital.

  • Aplicación Práctica: No solo teoría, sino también práctica. Aprenderás cómo la IA generativa ha creado desde tráilers hasta herramientas analíticas sofisticadas.

  • Maestría en ChatGPT y GPT-4: Desde los conceptos básicos hasta las aplicaciones avanzadas, explora todo lo relacionado con estas innovadoras plataformas de IA.

  • Prompt Engineering Avanzado: Aprende a diseñar prompts que maximicen el potencial creativo y analítico de la IA.

  • Herramientas y Técnologías de Vanguardia: Descubre herramientas como LangChain y Flowise, que amplían las capacidades de ChatGPT y otras IAs.

  • IA Generativa en Imágenes: Adéntrate en el emocionante mundo de la generación de imágenes con IA, explorando plataformas como DALL-E y Leonardo AI.

¿Por Qué Este Curso?

  • Contenido Completo y Actualizado: Cubrimos todos los aspectos esenciales y avanzados de la IA generativa, manteniéndote al día con las tendencias más recientes.

  • Enfoque Práctico: A través de laboratorios y ejemplos reales, aseguramos que el aprendizaje sea aplicado y relevante.

¡Únete a la Revolución Digital!

Inscríbete hoy en nuestro Bootcamp Completo de Prompt Engineering para IA Generativa y prepárate para desbloquear un universo de posibilidades profesionales. ¡Emprende un viaje transformador en el mundo de la IA Generativa Aplicada!


Descubre el poder de la IA Generativa y cómo puede abrirte las puertas a un mundo de oportunidades ilimitadas. Este Bootcamp Completo de Prompt Engineering te brindará las habilidades esenciales para innovar, crear y transformar en la era digital. Aprenderás a dominar herramientas como ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney, Langchain, Flowise y muchas más, fundamentales en el panorama tecnológico actual.

Beneficios Clave del Curso:

  1. Dominio de la Tecnología de Vanguardia: Sumérgete en el mundo de la IA Generativa y aprende a utilizar herramientas líderes en el sector.

  2. Desarrollo de Habilidades Prácticas: A través de ejercicios prácticos y estudios de caso, adquirirás habilidades aplicables inmediatamente en entornos profesionales y creativos.

  3. Preparación para el Futuro: Mantente a la vanguardia en tu carrera profesional al dominar una de las tecnologías más disruptivas y demandadas del siglo XXI

¿Qué Aprenderás en Este Curso?

  • Fundamentos de la IA Generativa: Sumérgete en el apasionante universo de ChatGPT, DALL-E y Midjourney. Descubre cómo estas tecnologías están transformando el panorama digital.

  • Aplicación Práctica: No solo teoría, sino también práctica. Aprenderás cómo la IA generativa ha creado desde tráilers hasta herramientas analíticas sofisticadas.

  • Maestría en ChatGPT y GPT-4: Desde los conceptos básicos hasta las aplicaciones avanzadas, explora todo lo relacionado con estas innovadoras plataformas de IA.

  • Prompt Engineering Avanzado: Aprende a diseñar prompts que maximicen el potencial creativo y analítico de la IA.

  • Herramientas y Técnologías de Vanguardia: Descubre herramientas como LangChain y Flowise, que amplían las capacidades de ChatGPT y otras IAs.

  • IA Generativa en Imágenes: Adéntrate en el emocionante mundo de la generación de imágenes con IA, explorando plataformas como DALL-E y Leonardo AI.

¿Por Qué Este Curso?

  • Contenido Completo y Actualizado: Cubrimos todos los aspectos esenciales y avanzados de la IA generativa, manteniéndote al día con las tendencias más recientes.

  • Enfoque Práctico: A través de laboratorios y ejemplos reales, aseguramos que el aprendizaje sea aplicado y relevante.

¡Únete a la Revolución Digital!

Inscríbete hoy en nuestro Bootcamp Completo de Prompt Engineering para IA Generativa y prepárate para desbloquear un universo de posibilidades profesionales. ¡Emprende un viaje transformador en el mundo de la IA Generativa Aplicada!

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Are you interested in learning how to create intelligent systems that can solve real-world problems? Do you want to explore the fascinating field of artificial intelligence and its applications? If yes, then this course is for you! This course consists of six lectures as well as several handouts and resources. By utilizing everything in this course, you can become an expert in AI Agents today! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity, and this exciting course.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the basic concepts and terminology of AI and intelligent agents

  • Understand the different types of AI agents, such as simple reflex agents, model-based agents, goal-based agents, utility-based agents, learning agents, and hierarchical agents

  • Implement AI agents using Python and various tools and frameworks, such as ML-Agents, Q-learning, and reinforcement learning

  • Apply AI agents to solve real-world problems, such as games, robotics, natural language processing, and computer vision

  • Evaluate the performance and limitations of AI agents, and explore the ethical and social implications of AI

By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation of AI and intelligent agents, and you will be able to create your own AI projects and applications. You will also receive a certificate of completion that you can showcase on your resume and portfolio.

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Are you interested in learning how to create intelligent systems that can solve real-world problems? Do you want to explore the fascinating field of artificial intelligence and its applications? If yes, then this course is for you! This course consists of six lectures as well as several handouts and resources. By utilizing everything in this course, you can become an expert in AI Agents today! Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity, and this exciting course.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the basic concepts and terminology of AI and intelligent agents

  • Understand the different types of AI agents, such as simple reflex agents, model-based agents, goal-based agents, utility-based agents, learning agents, and hierarchical agents

  • Implement AI agents using Python and various tools and frameworks, such as ML-Agents, Q-learning, and reinforcement learning

  • Apply AI agents to solve real-world problems, such as games, robotics, natural language processing, and computer vision

  • Evaluate the performance and limitations of AI agents, and explore the ethical and social implications of AI

By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation of AI and intelligent agents, and you will be able to create your own AI projects and applications. You will also receive a certificate of completion that you can showcase on your resume and portfolio.


Imagine being at the forefront of a revolution, where cutting-edge AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E join forces with the secure and reliable infrastructure of Microsoft Azure to redefine what's possible. This isn't just a course; it's your key to unlocking a new era of AI-powered innovation.The first and the only course that covers the Text,Image,Audio models , Using Your Own Data,Fine Tuning and other latest features in Azure OpenAI Service.

What Awaits You in this Groundbreaking Course:

Master Azure OpenAI: Dive deep into the heart of AI brilliance as you explore the limitless potential of ChatGPT , DALL-E, Whisper,Embeddings and more.

Hands-On Learning: Get your hands dirty with Azure OpenAI Studio, Postman for testing API magic, and use the models from your python applications.

Exclusive Azure Access: Azure is the exclusive gateway to OpenAI models, backed by Microsoft's significant investment in

OpenAI and it is just the beginning. This course will show you how to make the most of this powerful combination.

Advanced Topics: From the basics to the most advanced concepts like Fine Tuning, this course is your all-in-one ticket to becoming an Generative AI expert.

From this course you will:

Understand the fundamentals of AI, Generative AI and OpenAI API

Learn how to use ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering

Setup Azure OpenAI account

Understand Azure OpenAI quotas and pricing

Deploy Azure OpenAI service

Learn how to use the Azure OpenAI Studio to deploy LLMs

Test your models using the Playground

Access the model from Postman

Use the models from your Python Code through APIs

Deploy your tested models as a Web Application

Use DALL-E studio to generate images

Create Images From your python code using APIs

Understand what text embeddings are and deploy the Embedding Models

Generate Embeddings and find Similarity between words and sentences

Use Whisper AI model to generate text from audio

Translate audio from other languages to english

Use audio and text models together

Master using your own data with the models

Understand how keyword and vector search works

Use cognitive search

Learn how to secure your chatbots

Understand what Fine Tuning is and work on a usecase

Use Content Filters

and more in simple steps


Imagine being at the forefront of a revolution, where cutting-edge AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E join forces with the secure and reliable infrastructure of Microsoft Azure to redefine what's possible. This isn't just a course; it's your key to unlocking a new era of AI-powered innovation.The first and the only course that covers the Text,Image,Audio models , Using Your Own Data,Fine Tuning and other latest features in Azure OpenAI Service.

What Awaits You in this Groundbreaking Course:

Master Azure OpenAI: Dive deep into the heart of AI brilliance as you explore the limitless potential of ChatGPT , DALL-E, Whisper,Embeddings and more.

Hands-On Learning: Get your hands dirty with Azure OpenAI Studio, Postman for testing API magic, and use the models from your python applications.

Exclusive Azure Access: Azure is the exclusive gateway to OpenAI models, backed by Microsoft's significant investment in

OpenAI and it is just the beginning. This course will show you how to make the most of this powerful combination.

Advanced Topics: From the basics to the most advanced concepts like Fine Tuning, this course is your all-in-one ticket to becoming an Generative AI expert.

From this course you will:

Understand the fundamentals of AI, Generative AI and OpenAI API

Learn how to use ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering

Setup Azure OpenAI account

Understand Azure OpenAI quotas and pricing

Deploy Azure OpenAI service

Learn how to use the Azure OpenAI Studio to deploy LLMs

Test your models using the Playground

Access the model from Postman

Use the models from your Python Code through APIs

Deploy your tested models as a Web Application

Use DALL-E studio to generate images

Create Images From your python code using APIs

Understand what text embeddings are and deploy the Embedding Models

Generate Embeddings and find Similarity between words and sentences

Use Whisper AI model to generate text from audio

Translate audio from other languages to english

Use audio and text models together

Master using your own data with the models

Understand how keyword and vector search works

Use cognitive search

Learn how to secure your chatbots

Understand what Fine Tuning is and work on a usecase

Use Content Filters

and more in simple steps

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Do you want to learn the math behind artificial intelligence (AI) and how to apply it to real-world problems and applications? Do you want to master the concepts, the formulas, the methods, and the examples of the math behind AI in a clear and simple way? Do you want to have access to a powerful and friendly tool that can help you with anything related to the math behind AI? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you!

Welcome to the course ‘Understanding the Math Behind AI’. This course is designed to teach you the essential math concepts that are used in AI, such as calculus, probability, statistics, linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, and deep learning. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn the math behind AI, whether you are a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced learner. This course is also ideal for anyone who wants to pursue a career or a hobby in AI, such as data scientists, machine learning engineers, AI researchers, or AI enthusiasts. In this course, you will learn:

  • What is AI and why is math important for AI?

  • What are the basic and advanced topics of calculus and how to use them in AI?

  • What are the basic and advanced topics of probability and statistics and how to use them in AI?

  • What are linear regression and logistic regression and how to use them in AI?

  • What are neural networks and deep learning and how to use them in AI?

  • What are the challenges and the solutions of optimizing a neural network and how to apply them in AI?

  • What are the applications and the examples of neural networks and deep learning and how to use them in AI?

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and start learning the math behind AI. You will be amazed by what you can learn and do with the math behind AI. See you in the course!

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Do you want to learn the math behind artificial intelligence (AI) and how to apply it to real-world problems and applications? Do you want to master the concepts, the formulas, the methods, and the examples of the math behind AI in a clear and simple way? Do you want to have access to a powerful and friendly tool that can help you with anything related to the math behind AI? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you!

Welcome to the course ‘Understanding the Math Behind AI’. This course is designed to teach you the essential math concepts that are used in AI, such as calculus, probability, statistics, linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, and deep learning. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn the math behind AI, whether you are a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced learner. This course is also ideal for anyone who wants to pursue a career or a hobby in AI, such as data scientists, machine learning engineers, AI researchers, or AI enthusiasts. In this course, you will learn:

  • What is AI and why is math important for AI?

  • What are the basic and advanced topics of calculus and how to use them in AI?

  • What are the basic and advanced topics of probability and statistics and how to use them in AI?

  • What are linear regression and logistic regression and how to use them in AI?

  • What are neural networks and deep learning and how to use them in AI?

  • What are the challenges and the solutions of optimizing a neural network and how to apply them in AI?

  • What are the applications and the examples of neural networks and deep learning and how to use them in AI?

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and start learning the math behind AI. You will be amazed by what you can learn and do with the math behind AI. See you in the course!


This course covers all the key concepts related to Azure OpenAI. Be it function calling or something as small as knowing how your engine processes tokens, the course has it all covered. In this course you will learn about concepts such as temperature parameter, token parameter, adding external API's to Azure Open AI function calling, integrating other Azure services such as the Azure Speech Service with Azure Open AI to make your engine/ model more efficient and powerful. This course is tailored in a very concise and short manner, providing you with only the important stuff so that your time is well-spent. This course will act as a bridge to your journey in being a master at using Azure Open AI and its offerings. Although this course is short, the course assures that you get your money's worth

Course Level: The course goes all the way up from level 0 to level 100; Don't know what's the basic difference between Azure OpenAI and OpenAI, don't worry, the course's got your back.

Hand-On Labs: The hands-on labs in the course are very enriching. You will be provided with a github repository which will contain all the codes for the hands-on labs covered in this course. The hands-on labs offered in this course cover a variety of topics including:

1) Chat Completions API.

2) Making use of text embedding engine for enhanced machine learning processes.

3) integrating speech-to-text token query retrieval in your chat engine.

4) making use of function calling functionality exclusive to Azure Open Ai to call an external API to retrieve real-time information/data.

5) Exploring concept of RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) by integrating Azure Ai Search with your chat engine.

Bonus Section: A bonus section that includes GitHub Copilot has been made available with this course as well. Concepts like multi language support, @VScode agent, @workspace agent and code debugging have been explained in depth.

Prerequisites: knowledge about Python programming language and basic command line interface commands makes up for the prerequisites for the course.

Buy this course and get ready to embark on a journey full of brilliant learning.


This course covers all the key concepts related to Azure OpenAI. Be it function calling or something as small as knowing how your engine processes tokens, the course has it all covered. In this course you will learn about concepts such as temperature parameter, token parameter, adding external API's to Azure Open AI function calling, integrating other Azure services such as the Azure Speech Service with Azure Open AI to make your engine/ model more efficient and powerful. This course is tailored in a very concise and short manner, providing you with only the important stuff so that your time is well-spent. This course will act as a bridge to your journey in being a master at using Azure Open AI and its offerings. Although this course is short, the course assures that you get your money's worth

Course Level: The course goes all the way up from level 0 to level 100; Don't know what's the basic difference between Azure OpenAI and OpenAI, don't worry, the course's got your back.

Hand-On Labs: The hands-on labs in the course are very enriching. You will be provided with a github repository which will contain all the codes for the hands-on labs covered in this course. The hands-on labs offered in this course cover a variety of topics including:

1) Chat Completions API.

2) Making use of text embedding engine for enhanced machine learning processes.

3) integrating speech-to-text token query retrieval in your chat engine.

4) making use of function calling functionality exclusive to Azure Open Ai to call an external API to retrieve real-time information/data.

5) Exploring concept of RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) by integrating Azure Ai Search with your chat engine.

Bonus Section: A bonus section that includes GitHub Copilot has been made available with this course as well. Concepts like multi language support, @VScode agent, @workspace agent and code debugging have been explained in depth.

Prerequisites: knowledge about Python programming language and basic command line interface commands makes up for the prerequisites for the course.

Buy this course and get ready to embark on a journey full of brilliant learning.